Responsible for the website: INFINITY

a tEenage MOThEr!

a tEenage MOThEr aims to support minor mothers in the proper functioning and preventing their exclusion by creating a modern, comprehensive approach that meets both their needs and enabling their development (social, educational and personal).

The implemented measure is also aimed at preventing their discrimination (on the grounds of sex, young age, early motherhood) and violence (loneliness, willingness to settle quickly situations and easy entering into relationships, lack of defense mechanisms, own experiences prone to risky behavior).

Promoting good work with young people - the project will provide staff which will support minor mothers have new tools to work while improving quality the existing offer, supporting the social inclusion of the target group (including its educational development and professional); the project will enable the creation and promotion of efficient and modern working methods tailored to the needs and capabilities of recipients.

The implementation of a tEenage MOThEr enables the exchange of good practices existing in European countries to support teenage girls in fulfilling their role as mothers and involving them in social life and enabling professional activation


a tEenage MOThEr Kick off Meeting, March 22, 2022 in Barcelona, Spain

The a tEenage MOThEr KIck off Meeting that took place on 22nd of March 2022 in Barcelona, Spain, was dedicated on the responsibilities and tasks of partners from 6 European countries for a successful project implementation.

Copyright © 2023 Created with passion and joy by INFINITY

a tEnage MOTheR 2021-1-ES02-KA220-YOU-000029986

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.